Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Sinopsis of Breaking Down

                        I can not wait to see the dawn breaking film, starring Robbert Patison, christian stewart, and taylor that will appear in mid november. I've been following the beginning of this movie. I think this movie is very good and interesting. I like to see the romance between Christian Stewart as Bella Swan and Robbert Patison as Edward Cullen. I have already read the novel from breaking down, and the story is very interesting that many of the events happen. I don’t think Bella is willing to be a stop for the sake of the beloved Edward Cullen. I want to tell the contents of the novel that I read.

                   Bella's old truck finally really dead. And joined the other Cullen family, Bella began to enjoy expensive cars sold high-speed limited on the market. Life began to revolve rapidly around him. His father and his mother agreed with easy engagement to Edward, not like its shadow. Despite the shadow of Jacob who went to heal the wounds of his heart, the wedding day finally arrived. Edward was at his side vows during their existence.

                    Honeymoon which was originally designed beautifully turned out to be a very bad start to their relationship. Strength incredible vampire Edward is leaving Bella was a frail human body hurt. Not quite up there Bellaharus confronted with the fact that she was pregnant. The fruit of her love of Edward grew up in her stomach as a bloodthirsty monster.

                    Full of courage, against all the suggestions and advice Cullen family, Bella would not stand for abortion even if he must risk his life. At the critical moment, the presence of an old friend, Jacob, so help her and Edward to go through those bad days.

                     After going through the long suffering due to the fetus she is carrying monsters, Bella was meregan lives on delivery table. Edward finally took the decision that has been the most opposed the idea, namely to change Bella into a vampire.

                    The days of Bella as a vampire was begun, with her baby, Renesmee, which proved to be a half vampire half-man incarnation. Then the problem that arises is how Bella must explain to his father that he now has become a vampire, like her husband's family? Or how he should explain if in fact it was Jacob who cheerful werewolf? And that his father has had grandchildren half vampire, half human with all his unusual talent?

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