Kamis, 18 November 2010


          On Wednesday I celebrated Idul Adha days. Pilgrimage feast of Eid Al – Adha is accompanied by the slaughter of sacrificial animals such as cows, goats, and camels for people which capable. There were any sacrificial animals in my mosque. They were two cows and 15 goats. This year I didn’t sacrifice because I had sacrificed last year. I was very pity when I was looking animals are slaughtered by butcher. After slaughtering animals, the committee sacrificial animals distributed meat door to door. It was very interested because I and my entire neighbor made a food which was very delicious namely sate. I really like sate because the taste was delicious. We ate together. In the evening all of mothers were cooking gulai, soup, and rendang for dinner together. After isya ,all of people gathered together in yard of a mosque. The event aimed to strengthen relations between citizens. The event was very merry and crowded.

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