Sabtu, 27 November 2010

My Childhood

          I think my first memories began when I started school at about five years old. I lived in Tanjung Priok of North Jakarta. I had a happy childhood. I remember playing in a big garden. I fell from a big tree and broke my hand. I remember I had a naughty friend named is Suneo, because he had a big mouth. He liked hitting and pulling me when I was playing with my friends. He always derided me. But I didn’t brush aside what he said to me. It was so pathetic. One day I hit him over the head with my bag. His parents were very angry with me. But I didn’t feel sorry at all at the time. Now Giant has become my good friend. It was such an unforgettable childhood.

Sabtu, 20 November 2010




           English is very fun. English is the second language in the world. It is very important because we must communicate wherever we are. English is learned either in formal or informal. Last weak I had a free time because I didn’t have a class during four days. I filled my leisure time with teaching children in my house. I taught Elementary School and Junior High School. I was very happy because there were many children who wanted to study English to me. In their school, they have been getting the English lesson. I asked to them “did you get a difficulty in learning English”. They answered,” yes we were”. After ward I taught what they didn’t understand yet. There were many problems why they still didn’t understand about English such as tenses and grammar.
          In their opinion, they got difficulty about tenses because they were getting confuse which they had to use. There were many tenses commonly tenses consisted 16 tenses so it made them confuse.
          The second, they had difficulty about pronunciation because writing wasn’t unequal in pronouncing.
         The third, they didn’t understand yet about grammar because that was very complicated how about putting structure. In their opinion, they thought Grammar was very difficult, it can be said the match formula. They were confuse how about making sentences that is very well and good. They had to learn grammar but they still didn’t understand about it.
          I tried to explain what they didn’t understand about all lesson. I explained slowly in order to they understood. Finally they understood what I taught to them. I didn’t forget to increase new vocabularies in order to they could practice conversation in daily activity.
I hope my knowledge could be useful for them amien.


Kamis, 18 November 2010


          On Wednesday I celebrated Idul Adha days. Pilgrimage feast of Eid Al – Adha is accompanied by the slaughter of sacrificial animals such as cows, goats, and camels for people which capable. There were any sacrificial animals in my mosque. They were two cows and 15 goats. This year I didn’t sacrifice because I had sacrificed last year. I was very pity when I was looking animals are slaughtered by butcher. After slaughtering animals, the committee sacrificial animals distributed meat door to door. It was very interested because I and my entire neighbor made a food which was very delicious namely sate. I really like sate because the taste was delicious. We ate together. In the evening all of mothers were cooking gulai, soup, and rendang for dinner together. After isya ,all of people gathered together in yard of a mosque. The event aimed to strengthen relations between citizens. The event was very merry and crowded.

 My Delicious Food

          My favorite dish from my country is gado- gado. Actually, gado – gado is special food from Betawi. It contains from vegetables which have been cooked before, such as bean sprouts, long bean, squash, water spinach, cabbage, tahu and tempe which are mixed by peanut sauce. You can choose about the taste. If you like spicy, you can add some chili. And if you don’t like spicy, you shouldn’t take any chili. Gado – gado is so easy. You just make a peanut sauce which made from peanuts that have been in pure, garlic, palm sugar, a little salt, and water which pulverized together and drops a lemon juice. Then mix the peanut sauce with vegetables and add lontong, if you like. It is very easy to be made whenever you want it anytime.

Kamis, 11 November 2010

My Free Time

 It is Time to British Council
          British Council is a place where we can read anything books there. It can be said a place for increasing our knowledge. Today I am going to British Council with my friends they are Nabila, Heflin, Wiwit, Hesti and sihwahyundari. I have a free time on Thursdays because I don’t have any classes. So we decide to go to British Council for managing our member cards. It is very far from our campus, the located in Senayan exactly. We took by public transportation .When we arrive there, I meet the others friends. After ward we spent time there for reading anything books, share about others topics. The time is very so fast we have been spending time 3 hours there. And we don’t forget for taking a picture in somewhere, then we are going to share in social utility or Facebook .

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Speaking is My Nightmare

Speaking is Nightmare for Me
                                Speaking is a word or sentence which out mouth, in order words speaking is a media communication. We can talk about something in daily activity. I’m in the third semester there are many subjects so far I have been learning they are speaking class, reading, structure, writing, pronunciation and so on. There is one of is very difficult to me. The first sometimes I find words are complicated for is spoken. The second I feel awkward when I’m speaking with people. The third I feel confuse what I will say whereas I know what I must say in my mind. In my opinion Grammar is easier than Speaking. Grammar is the rules in a language for changing the form of words and joining them into sentences. I think Grammar is very easy for is learned and understood because we just understand about form of words and changing sentences to present, past or future whereas speaking we have to speak directly on the spot without texts book or the others notes.
The conclusion we must speak English everyday, everywhere, and every time in order to we don’t stag. We must try speaking English very well with all of people now or never.